Industrial project – Kiwis and red fruits

agra das mil medas

Over the past few months, In.Tu.In have carried out an industrial design, development, integration and programming project to automate weighing, sorting and packaging in a Kiwifruit and red fruit producer: Agra das mil medas.

Agra das mil medas, is a brand born in Galicia, is an agricultural farm located in the incomparable enclave of As Mariñas Coruñesas e Terras do Mandeo, declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO.

Biosphere reserves are territories that seek to reconcile the conservation of natural heritage and sustainable development. The recognition not only highlights natural elements, but innovative practices to reconcile human activity and environmental conservation.

The products it produces are:

  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Blackberries
  • Red currants
  • Kiwi